Have you ever had something so big to say that you felt like you had to say it or otherwise you’d just burst? That’s exactly how we found ourselves about six months ago. We were going through the day-to-day of jobs and school and commitments. We were overextended, over-scheduled, and over-exhausted. Our home was overly appointed and overly cluttered. And much like our time, our budget was overspent. We came to a point, we were simply over it. For years we talked with each other about how there was too much going on, too much money going out, too much of our time spent doing things we didn’t want to do. As the years went on, the conversations started to come on more and more, and our ideas of making big changes began to get bigger and bigger. About six months ago we decided we were going to start putting some of our ideas into action. We knew we didn’t arrive at this place overnight, and we certainly would not get out of it overnight, but we were going to chip away at all the things bit...
Of all the stories I have ever shared through blogging, there is one story I have not yet told—the story of how the blog came to be in the first place. Brandon and I have been sharing our stories of faith, family, and values through Unbinded Life, but before that, was Core Truths. I started the Core Truths blog in 2018 as a way for me to connect and share stories with other women and moms. But the dream to share through blogging began years earlier. In fact, I still remember exactly when and where I was when I said out loud for the first time, “I want to start a blog.” The year was 2016, and I was a full-time stay-at-home mom. The kids ranged in ages from 2 to 15 years old. I had resigned from teaching one year earlier, and I had a peace within me that I would not return to the classroom, but I had not yet landed on what I was going to do next. I was happy staying home with the kids, and I had realized that’s what I had always yearned to be able to do. But even with the satisfaction of...