This post comes straight to you from the front seat of our loaded down SUV. I am looking out at the hilly treetops of Kentucky. I am listening to the sounds coming from our children in the backseats. At this particular moment, it is as you’d expect: “Mom, her hair is touching me! She keeps doing it!” “I’m not touching her!” “Keep your blanket on your side of the seat!” “Where are we going?” “How much longer until we get there?” “What are we doing tomorrow?” “Can you plug in my phone?” Sweet, sweet sounds coming from the children. But there’s more to this story. This road trip started taking shape months ago. Hubby and I decided where we wanted to go, when we would go, and we started making our arrangements. We booked places to stay, we planned out what we would do, and we figured out how we would get there. Yesterday, we spent a total of 15 hours driving before we made it to the hotel we had reserved back in March. We were confident when we left hom...