Anyone who knows me well, knows I am all about purging. I’m no minimalist (yet), but ever since The Great Purge of a few years ago, I have seen the life-changing value of going through our belongings and decluttering. In terms of fully decluttering our home, we are nowhere close to that being the case. But we do go through clothes, toys, books, etc. on a somewhat regular basis. One of the major areas where I still have a lot of work to do is “sentimental” items. I have tubs upon tubs upon tubs of “sentimental” storage. There are tubs stacked up in the garage, there are tubs pushed underneath my bed, and there are tubs in probably every single closet in this house. Tubs of stuff that at one point or another was deemed too special to part with. And typically, these tubs of stuff really aren’t in anyone’s way and they are rarely thought of. That is, until last week when I needed some space. With all of this social distancing, our own personal worlds have been turned upside d...