It was nearly three years ago on the Blue Ridge Parkway that we absolutely fell in love with this place! And each time we visited since, we were more and more convinced we would someday call western North Carolina home. Never in a million years did we think it would happen quite so soon and certainly not in the manner it played out. The last time we drove the Parkway was in late October. We were here to see fall foliage for the first time ever. Little did we know that we would lay eyes on a 115-year-old house during that trip which we would call home barely two months later. Our life has taken a dramatic turn since that October trip, and our family couldn’t be any happier with how our story is unfolding. The Blue Ridge Parkway closes every winter season due to snow, ice, and winds at the higher elevations. Since we moved here, we’ve counted down the days until the temps were consistently warm enough to allow those gates to reopen. Well, today was that day! Our family enjoyed a leisurel...