I have three words for you: Let. It. Go. (Sorry if you’re twirling around now with your arms out singing at the top of your lungs…totally not my intention). I’m telling you to just let it go. Let what go? Whatever “it” is that you need to let go. Take for example Exhibit A: my kids' clearly mismatched socks. I decided years ago that I really do not like to take the time to match socks, so one day I just stopped matching socks. All socks go in with all the other dirty clothes, they get washed like all other the other dirty clothes, then they get dried, then they are left there at the bottom of the basket after all other laundry is folded and put away. Why? I don’t know, one day I just got tired of sitting around matching socks, so I just stopped. Now, when anyone needs a pair of socks, they just go to the basket and get some. And when I say get some, I mean any two socks that you believe belong to you that ...