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Facing Fears

Well, here it is…my first blog post.  Quite possibly one of the scariest things I’ve ever done.

Like any dream, this one started years ago. 

For most of my life I have crazy enjoyed sharing my heart and my thoughts with others.  As a student and later as a teacher, I had ample opportunity to just sit and listen and visit and share with other people.  It wasn’t until I quit my job and started the full-time stay-at-home-mom gig did I miss that everyday interaction and sharing with other people.  Like, I really, really missed it, like a part of me was missing and not being fulfilled.

Two years ago I had the opportunity to meet with a Life Coach.  Ok, it was a friend of mine that was working to complete her Life Coach certification and she offered a free session.  I was excited to help and excited to learn from her.  It was in that meeting that I verbalized something I had been thinking and feeling for a long time….I wanted to be a published author!

Sounds good, right?  But how does one just sit and write a book?  And what does one write about?  Should I write about my home-schooled impoverished childhood?  Should I write about growing up poor in a shack in the woods in rural Louisiana?  Or maybe marrying young and going on to having a large family?  Or I could write about resigning from a 10 year-long career and starting over as a stay-at-home mom? Or maybe my new-found health and wellness journey?

Goodness! So many ideas, so much material! Too bad I’m not a stand up comedian!

Honestly, by this point, I’ve written some about all of this, but no book yet.

About one year ago I started to verbalize that I wanted to blog.  I thought blogging would be a great way to share all this stuff that is worded so perfectly and beautifully in my head that I don’t always have someone to share it with…well, not someone that I’m not still responsible for wiping their hiney!

Much to my surprise, anytime I would mention blogging, whoever I mentioned it to was always supportive and encouraging.  Thankfully, with their belief in me, my belief in myself grew stronger.

Once I had my belief in place, I then had my next obstacle to tackle…I had to learn how to be honest in what I had to say.  I tend to struggle with being open and honest with the good, bad, and the ugly.  Well, that’s not entirely true…I do well sharing the good, it’s the bad and the ugly I tend to leave out or at least sugar coat.  Not because I want to be dishonest, but more to appear to be close to perfect…and isn’t that what we all want? To be close to perfect. Why else would we have a Pinterest!?!?

After much prayer and worrying and prayer and nervousness and prayer and self-talk, I finally decided I would blog and I would blog from the heart.  As a reminder to myself, I’ve titled my entire blog experience, “The Core Truths,” because that’s what you will get from me…the truth.

I believe in this world we are called to share with one another.  Part of our purpose in this life is to share what we’ve learned, share our heartaches, share our joys.  If we do not share these honestly, we miss part of the lesson and the experience.  I vow here and now to tell you things as I see them…that may be dangerous or funny or best case scenario, just what you need that day.

Getting to this point has not been easy.  And even as I am typing, and praying for those that will read this, I could really just throw up with nervousness.  

But this is me, facing my fears. But more than scared I’m excited to do something I said I would do.  Thank you for embarking on this journey with me….and buckle up buttercup, who knows where we’ll go!!!


  1. Opal - LOVE the title Core Truths❤️ and excited to take this journey with you. You have so much to offer this world.

  2. Thank you for sharing your last.


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