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The White House with the Circle Drive


This is the place where we were led.
This is the house we will call home.
When we took our quick trip to North Carolina in October, our plan really and truly was only to see the fall foliage and we thought it would be a good time to scope out towns. We wanted to see if there was a town or place or area that felt like a good fit so we could one day hone in on finding our next home. We had a few towns on our radar and had been casually checking houses for sale in these places. But we made a deal that on this trip there would be no realtor and no seeing houses. We wanted to enjoy the scenery and we knew we could always look at houses later. Much later is what we thought.
But there was this one house.
Since the summer, Brandon and I both had been looking on various realty sites. I mean, not much else to do on a Friday night, right? While Brandon would scope out just about anything that hit the market, I would always ask, “What about the white house with the circle drive? Is it still on the market?” The white house with the circle drive became the measuring stick for us which we compared any other property. And as much as we loved the listing, it didn’t seem to matter at the time because we were in no way ready to buy a house and move across the country.
When we arrived in North Carolina in October, we drove by the house the first day we were in town. We then drove by the house again four more times. We then pulled into the circle drive just to get a better look.
The next day, curiosity got the better of us, and we scheduled a showing. We spent our last afternoon in North Carolina seeing this house. When I say afternoon, I mean we were there for two hours.
This white house with a circle drive sits on two-and-a-half acres. This white house has mountain views from the front and back of the house. This white house has a creek that runs at the back of the property. This white house was built in 1905 and sits among other historic homes. This white house you pass just as you leave town.
It wasn’t a difficult decision to put our house up for sale and to put an offer in on the white house with the circle drive.
And I am awe-struck and excited to say, starting next week if you want to come by and see us, just look for the white house just as you leave town!


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